Tag: green arrow
Super Hero Tournament of Champions: Nightwing vs. Green Arrow
DR. JAYCE: WHO WOULD WIN?: Nightwing WHY?: The only none super human super hero that I would likely give an edge to over Nightwing is Batman and that is because he trained him. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE OUTCOME: I like Green Arrow, but he didn’t have a chance. STEVE: WHO WOULD WIN?:Nightwing…
NEWS: New Promo Trailer for ARROW (the CW’s new Green Arrow series)
The fall 2012 season of the CW will still have a DC Comics superhero, just not Clark Kent. It’s Green Arrow. I thought it was going to be something just like Smallville. Green Arrow was a character ON Smallville for a number of years, after all. (Although whenever I watched, all I could think was…