Tag: spider-man
Spider-Man (Cool Comic Covers #17)
It’s Friday! That means another Cool Comic Covers, a weekly (sometimes more!) look back at some of the most interesting, intriguing, and engaging artwork in pop culture. This week, well, we did it for Avengers . . . how could we NOT do it for Spider-Man? And so, Strangers and Aliens’ favorite Spider-Man comic covers. There’s…
SPIDER-MAN – Atari 2600 (Box Art Vs. Gameplay #2)
I didn’t expect to go to Spider-Man so quickly, but with the movie coming out this week, how could I not? Now, modern Spider-Man games bring that first person web slinging action to your TV screen much more realistically, but I don’t know how many hours I spent playing this little gem for the Atari…
TRAILER: The Dark Knight Rises
And here we have the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. As I already posted, the teaser poster got me excited to see the movie. More excited than I already was, I should say. You can watch it here . . . Some of this feels disturbing . . . some of it feels strange…
NEWS: New Amazing Spider-Man Movie Poster
From SuperheroHype: I have to say, I love this poster. As far as posters go, this actually gets me excited. It’s very, very simple. The spider symbol is something that is recognizable. I remember when the first Batman movie came out and the poster was simply the Batman symbol. That was all that was needed.…