Tag: super heroes
Super Hero Tournament of Champions: Jean Grey vs. Wonder Woman
DR. JAYCE: WHO WOULD WIN?: Wonder Woman WHY?: Yes, Grey has all sorts of mind powers, but Wonder Woman’s physical strength would win out in the end. It would take one second for WW to snap Jean Grey like a twig. Grey could play defense for a little bit, but over the long haul WW…
Super Hero Tournament of Champions: Green Lantern vs. The Vision
Dr. Jayce’ Opinion- WHO WOULD WIN? Green Lantern WHY? GL is one of the more powerful heroes…ad even if the movie bombed GL is flat-out awesome. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE OUTCOME? I like it. The Vision is one of my favs, but GL is pretty cool…except for his yellow weakness. Steve’s Opinion-…
Super Hero Tournament of Champions: Aquaman vs. Thor
Dr. Jayce’s Opinion- WHO WOULD WIN? THOR WHY? I think Aquaman could easily beat Thor by dehydrating him with his magic hand, but I don’t think Thor would allow Aquaman to touch him. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE OUTCOME? Bummer. I like Aquaman. Ben’s Opinion- WHO WOULD WIN? Thor WHY?: It would be a…