Comic Book Writer and Artist Contest


Every year, Dr. Jayce and I lead seminars at the Gideon Film Festival, a Christian media arts conference that covers topics from writing a novel or screenplay or making movies and even comic book creation.

This year, they are hosting a contest, sponsored by Kingstone Comics, for comic book writers and artists.

Details can be found here: Gideon Film Festival contests.

There is a $25 fee to enter, and entries are due July 1 (the rules state June 15, but it has been officially extended). Prizes include free tuition to the conference and one on one time with the Gideon faculty member of your choice. (Oh, and winner will be featured on Strangers and Aliens.) If you have any questions about the contest, contact Lori Marett, the conference director. You an find her contact information on the contest’s rules page.

For me, every year I go to Gideon I find myself learning something new and being challenged and inspired to create. The talent and experience of the many people they bring in to teach seminars is amazing. The conference itself is highly recommended, too, if you are a Christian interested in any of the media arts.

~ Ben






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