Ep. 43 — “Sloth” (Part Two of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS Series)

This is the second part of a periodic series we are doing about the Seven Deadly Sins, and this time we’re tackling . . . SLOTH!!!

In this episode, we explore sloth and its accompanying virtue diligence in sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, while also talking about it from a scriptural and personal point of view.

If we missed anything, we encourage you to contact us! Call us at 1-840-37-ALIEN and leave us a message we can use in an upcoming podcast! Or you can send us an audio message using your computer’s microphone by clicking on the tab over to the right of your browser, e-mail us at podcast@strangersandaliens.com (MP3s welcome!), or go to our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/strangersandaliens).

Also, we would love it if you joined the conversation in the comment section below! We want to know what you think! Did we miss a great example? Did we miss an important angle? Let us know!

Other episodes in the Seven Deadly Sins Series:

Part Two: SLOTH
Part Three: WRATH

(Seven Deadly Sins artwork by Tim Baron — http://www.timbaron.blogspot.com)



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One response to “Ep. 43 — “Sloth” (Part Two of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS Series)”

  1. RC Avatar

    For Sloth I’d like to add Morla from Neverending Story.

    I agree with Dr. Jayce that Luke was obligated rather than slothful. He wanted to forward his application to the academy right away, but held off for his family’s sake.


    I am enjoying this series. The episode on gluttony made me really re-evaluate some of my own habits and my own challenges in weght loss (and dealing with a desk job XD)

    I’ve been doing much better on Slothfulness the past six or seven years or so.

    To be totally honest, the largest contributor of change was the passing of my mother several years ago. Though I’ll never be able to honor her in person, I won’t deny that I hope that my efforts in life will reflect the love and energy my parents invested in me and the talent God has given me.

    As far as becoming more productive, I gave up regular TV and games. Of course now I’ve got many irons in the fire and can’t imagine ever having had time for TV and games.

    If there is a series I like, I buy it and watch it at my leisure. The same goes for movies. I used to consume MMO’s regularly. I still play on occasion, but not longer have compulsion to play every day.

    On the flip side (like Dr. Jayce mentioned) it is important to really set aside leisure time. Even before my mother passed, I tended to work to the point I was utterly burned out, then would fall into sloth for months at a time. It was an unhealthy cycle. These days if I decide not to do anything on a weekend, I make it intentional. I also have learned (painfully and slowly) to not take on too much so as to burn myself out.

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