GODZILLA (Summer Movie Series) — SA127

Spanish_Godzilla_2014_PosterGo, go Godzilla!!!

The Big G is back on the big screen!

For this episode of Strangers and Aliens, Ben was joined by fellow Godzilla fan (and Fans for Christ member) Nathan Marchand. You can find links to his reviews and books and articles here: http://www.nathanjsmarchand.com



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7 responses to “GODZILLA (Summer Movie Series) — SA127”

  1. […] That being said, this week I reviewed the new American film–which I loved–not once, but twice (and there may be a third!) First, I wrote a review for GIGA Geek Magazine. The second, however, was the most fun. I was the guest host on the “Strangers and Aliens” podcast with my friend and fellow Christian writer and Godzilla fan, Ben Avery. I enjoyed it so much, I want to be on his show again. You can listen to it here. […]

  2. 45shiro45 Avatar

    Great, great, GREAT movie!!! I was a G-fan when I was a kid, (he was more or less my hero- more so than any Marvel or DC character), but I lost some of that love of the cheesiness as I grew up. This movie has completely re-ignited my love of the big-G! Going back to watch all the old films on Blu-ray to tide me over until the new movie hits on Blu-ray…

  3. Nathan Marchand Avatar

    Thanks for having me on the podcast, Ben–even if you did forget my name in your /other/ podcast. 😛

  4. […] –Episode 127: GODZILLA (Summer Movie Series) – I review the new Godzilla film with host Ben Avery. […]

  5. […] Here’s the episode of the Strangers and Aliens podcast where Nate reviewed this film in 2014 with Ben Avery: http://strangersandaliens.com/2014/05/godzilla-summer-movie-series-sa127/ […]

  6. […] previous appearances:GODZILLA (Summer Movie Series) – SA127GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS – SA315COLOSSAL Review Feat. Nathan Marchand – […]

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