GRAVITY (NOT Summer Movie Series) — Ep. 91

gravity-posterBen records the summer movie series finale he WISHES could have taken the place of Riddick and/or Elysium! To help him talk about Gravity, ben has called up an old school-time chum, John Kanost.

Ben and John talk about this masterpiece of a sci-fi movie in this episode and even though it’s fall, they believe it easily stands with the other summer movies of 2013 . . . or perhaps stands above it?



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One response to “GRAVITY (NOT Summer Movie Series) — Ep. 91”

  1. John Kanost Avatar
    John Kanost

    Something I thought about after we talked… one movie that Gravity really reminded me of is The Grey. There are a lot of parallels. The plot focuses on one main character surviving and trying to reach safety after a disaster. Being trapped in an inhospitable environment. The main character has a tragic past that he’s still trying to work through and overcome. I think Gravity is a superior movie, but if you liked it you might enjoy The Grey also.

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