New MAN OF STEEL trailer!

supermanEverything I see about this movie tells me to tone down my expectations.


Because everything I see about this movie looks so good. So. Very. Very. Good.

It cannot possibly be as good as all this, right? I mean, this looks like the Superman movie that people who are not fans of Superman might actually like. This looks like the Superman movie that people who ARE fans of Superman might actually like.

What do you think?





One response to “New MAN OF STEEL trailer!”

  1. Jeff Schaefer (@45shiro45) Avatar

    I always go in with ZERO expectations. No matter how excited I am to see a movie (and I’m VERY excited to see Man of Steel), I always going in expecting nothing. If I’m not even marginally entertained with ZERO expectations, THEN I know it’s a bad movie. I’ve got to say though, these trailers have me as excited for Superman this year as I was for the Avengers last year. No expectations, though… 😉

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