The STAR TREK: SECTION 31 “Movie” Review

What is there to say that hasn’t been said? But Ben’s got opinions and he has a podcast, so . . .

You can also watch it here on Youtube! Please like and subscribe!

#startrek #section31 #strangersandaliens #moviereview #itsnotamovienotreally







2 responses to “The STAR TREK: SECTION 31 “Movie” Review”

  1. Jonathon Avatar


    I enjoyed the podcast on Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness. It’s been over twenty years since I last read it. It may warrant another read to really see how it has aged.

    Peretti introduced me to Ted Dekker through their collaborations. Have you read the Circle “trilogy” by Dekker? It is one of my favorite series and I read it every couple of years.

    Thank you for still getting episodes out there!

    Jonathon Klepfer

    1. Ben Avatar

      I have only read the 4th book in the Circle “trilogy” 🙂

      I may check it out in the near future.

      Thanks for listening!

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