Captain America: The Winter Soldier — Official Trailer!

CapWinterSoldierIt’s here!

And man does it look good!

Clearly, this is a movie about SHIELD. Nick Fury and Steve Rogers have a conversation that would fit right in with some of the things we’ve been talking about with Agents of SHIELD and their exploration of an organization without oversight.

After the battle of New York, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in a different place. it looks like they are preparing for another invasion. And it also looks like they are preparing for some real world metaphors, too.

That also excites me. This trailer makes me think that we could be looking at a sophisticated, popcorn thriller. Time will tell, but the potential does seem to be there.

I’m excited for Thor: The Dark World. But this Captain America movie looks incredible.

What do you think?







One response to “Captain America: The Winter Soldier — Official Trailer!”

  1. Justin Martin (@RsquaredComicz) Avatar

    Yeah this does look amazing! I forgot Anthony Mackie was playing the Falcon. One of my fav up and coming actors.

    Justin Martin
    R-Squared Comicz

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