Ep. 50 — Interview with Some Strangers

Pulp-O-Mizer_Cover_Image-5In this episode, the Strangers and Aliens interview . . . themselves.

Ben and Steve interview Dr. Jayce, Dr. Jayce and Ben interview Steve, and Steve and Dr. Jayce interview Ben . . . then all three interview Shazbot, who opens up a little about his past and his family . . . and we end it all with some listener questions. (Of all the questions sent to us, two of them are going to be used for full episodes in the future, and one of them we jus didn’t have time for and will come back to soon.)

Thank you all so much for joining our conversation! We truly appreciate it!




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6 responses to “Ep. 50 — Interview with Some Strangers”

  1. RC Avatar

    That was quick… I didn’t have time to send in a question XD. Ah well… episode 100 then.

    1. Ben Avatar

      RC, you’re always welcome to send in a question!

  2. Michael Poteet Avatar

    Well, apart from the fact that you guys have (apparently) *no* appreciation for Kubrick and Clarke’s 2001 – very nice episode. I enjoyed learning more about all of you. Even Shazbat. (Hey, I just realized… is your computer’s name a “Mork & Mindy” reference?! Although I also always want to follow up his name with “and Meshach and Abednego” )

    Ben, thanks for sharing your thoughts, in particular, on writing as a calling. (I don’t recall if those were your exact words, but that’s what I took away from it.) I do a lot of freelance writing of Christian education material, and sometimes bemoan that it doesn’t leave me (or, rather, I use it as an excuse not to make) time and energy for fiction writing. But I try to remember that working with words can be God’s gift, and I am likely reaching many more people with my words (and hopefully helping a few along the way), and isn’t it wonderful that God has any use for human wordsmithing at all!

    By the way, I am excited for next week’s discussion! Can’t wait! (And I’ll have to try and organize some thoughts on the subject myself – it’s one of those questions I come back to time after time, and never seem to find myself thinking the same thing each time.)

    1. Ben Avatar

      Yes, that’s where Shazbot comes from.

  3. Michael Poteet Avatar

    Oh, one more quick thing. Favorite sci-fi parody – did you mention “Galaxy Quest”? Have you seen it? Well, well worth your time if you have not, especially if you’re Trek fans.

    1. Ben Avatar

      It has been SO long since I have seen it. I believe Steve mentioned Galaxy Quest. I personally love it, too. Really need to revisit it . . .

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