Ep. 60 — Interview with Heath McNease (The Year of C.S. Lewis)


A special episode for the Year of C.S. Lewis!!!

Heath McNease, a geek philosopher hip-hop/folk musician, sat down to talk with Ben and Steve about C.S. Lewis, being an artists and a Christian, being a musician in today’s economy and with today’s technology, and some geek-stuff, too!

Heath McNease is a uniquely talented musician, whose music covers a wide range of music and subjects. After listening to this episode, we recommend checking out his music at the links below:

Heath McNease can be found here: http://heathmcneasemusic.com

You can get his Weight of Glory album here: The Weight of Glory by Heath McNease

Another of his albums, with lots of geek references: Straight Outta Console: The Nintendo Thumb Mixtape



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