Ep. 69: Best Worst Superheroes! (PODCASTERS INITIATIVE THEME WEEK)

Pulp-O-Mizer_Cover_Image-18Why are some superheroes just not so super? Steve, Ben, Dr. Jayce, and Koby explore the superheroes they love and love to hate! From the Wonder Twins to Aquaman, from Arm Fall Off Boy to the Great Lakes Avengers, join the Strangers and Aliens as they examine what makes superheroes fall flat.

Are You Just Watching? — http://areyoujustwatching.com

Faith Hope and Nerds — http://faithhopeandnerds.com

Gamestore Prophets — http://gamestoreprophets.com

Geek This! podcast — http://geekthispodcast.com

Geekually Yoked — http://geekuallyyoked.com

Holy Worlds Podcast — http://holyworlds.org

The Sci-Fi Christian — http://thescifichristian.com

Storymen — http://storymen.us




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One response to “Ep. 69: Best Worst Superheroes! (PODCASTERS INITIATIVE THEME WEEK)”

  1. Andrew Musser Avatar
    Andrew Musser

    Fun podcast. The comment about the pantlessness of some Super Friends characters reminded me of this promo from Cartoon Network:

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