Episode 14 — “Hunger Games”

This episode is about the movie and book that has everyone talking. Including the strangers and aliens . . .

Ben has read the book and seen the movie. Dr. Jayce has seen the movie. And Steve hasn’t done either. So Steve picks Ben and Dr. Jayce’s brains about the themes, ideas, craft, and appropriateness of The Hunger Games.

Why is this book so popular? Why is it so controversial? Does it deserve either? The sci-fi guys wanted to find out . . .

The discussion is a bit spoiler-ish, although not much gets revealed that couldn’t be figured out from the press and commercials.

If you’ve read the book or seen the movie, we’d love to know what you thought of them . . . and what you think of our thoughts. And if you haven’t, we’d like to know why. Join the conversation!

Plus, a listener (and old friend of Ben’s) writes in to talk about Hunger Games and gives us his take on sci-fi vs. fantasy. We’re curious — what do you think of his thoughts about sci-fi and fantasy?

Whatever your thoughts, please, let us know what you think. Or, if you have another topic you’d like to discuss that we haven’t covered, send us an e-mail or record a message as an mp3. We love sharing what you have to say, because it really expands the discussion!







2 responses to “Episode 14 — “Hunger Games””

  1. RC Avatar

    Well, almost nothing to contribute having neither read the book or watched the movie. Of course being a thirty-something, neither the book nor the movie. Equally, there is nothing I have heard or seen to entice me to do so.

    However it seems to have problems with me that zombie movies do: a break in logic. So first, you have a majority of people who have to potentially sacrifice their children to get food that they themselves are growing? In America? There is no point dragging up The Great Leap Forward, as comparing fiction to history just can’t be done. Forced to watch? Where is the infrastructure for all of it? How is it maintained? It just doesn’t sound very well thought out, but I realize that it’s not supposed to be thought out. No choice? There’s always a choice as history has shown over and over. So it’s hard for me to bite on this. No religion? Even in the most oppressive regimes today there are still enclaves of Christianity.

    Of course there is the comparison to Battle Royale, which I have heard is very, very similar.

    One other thing that I have a trouble with female leads recently is that lack of the better qualities of women (obviously my opinion). As a boy I found women that I was close to impressive because of their compassion and caring. Female leads these days as basically a stereotype of guys, but dressed as women; violent, self-serving and aloof. Again, not having read or watched this title I have no idea. At purely a glance it seems like that is the situation.

    On the whole the movie seems to come off as a “oh woe is me”, teen book. But I was pretty critical of Harry Potter until I saw the first movie years ago, after which I read… and loved the books.

    I agree there is a terrible trend in child rearing in today’s American culture. Sadly, there are many titles that may speak to these issues, but are also an example of these issues.

    Grumble, grumble… get off my lawn you young whipper-snappers!

  2. Ben Avatar

    SOME of what you are commenting about are addressed within the story (book and/or movie). SOME.

    As for the leap forward, I’m willing to go with it. A terrible war has devastated the world, and America, and now there are small fiefdoms ruled by a hedonistic class. I can go with that, but it straddles the line between “future-casting” and fantasy.

    And as for a world without God . . . I can;t help thinking that if God is not a part of the writer’s worldview, God is far more likely not to be a part of the writing’s worldview.

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