Episode 31 — “Gluttony” (Part One of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS Series)

This is the first part of a periodic series we are doing about the Seven Deadly Sins. Part one is Gluttony.

In this episode, we explore gluttony and its accompanying virtue temperance in sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, while also talking about it from a scriptural and personal point of view.

If we missed anything, we encourage you to contact us! You can send us an audio message using your computer’s microphone by clicking on the tab over to the right of your browser, e-mail us at podcast@strangersandaliens.com (MP3s welcome!), or go to our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/strangersandaliens).

Also, we would love it if you joined the conversation in the comment section below! We want to know what you think! Did we miss a great example? Did we miss an important angle? Let us know!

Other episodes in the Seven Deadly Sins Series:

Part Two: SLOTH
Part Three: WRATH

(Seven Deadly Sins artwork by Tim Baron — http://www.timbaron.blogspot.com)



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4 responses to “Episode 31 — “Gluttony” (Part One of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS Series)”

  1. Ben Avatar

    What do you think of the idea of a “Strangers and Aliens Weight Loss Challenge”? Could be fun . . .

  2. Maddy Church Avatar

    hahaha #drjaycefunnyman4lyfe

  3. Donald James Parker Avatar

    I believe the term Jayce was groping for was “hash browns”. I can understand his inability to tap into that cavernous memory of his after this soon after the Nebraska-Michigan football game. This podcast was a little slow developing. All this talk about gluttony made me hungry so I retreated to the kitchen for a snack – but I could still hear everything. The end was much better, so I’m glad I stuck it out.

  4. Hank Harwell Avatar
    Hank Harwell

    I’m about twenty minutes into the episode and it occurred to me that the Max Headroom series could be a good illustration of gluttony in SF as well (big surprise). After all it is set in a world of rampant consumerism where people are encouraged to satisfy their desired even if it us ultimately dehumanizing.

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