THE DREAM by Lights Out (OTR) — Ep 93

In our first Old Time Radio episode, Ben and Steve listen to and talk about an episode from the classic horror series Lights Out.

Lights Out is a series created by Willis Cooper. When Cooper left the series, Arch Oboler took over. The Dream is an episode written by Oboler and featuring horror icon Boris Karloff.

Did you like this episode of Strangers and Aliens? Please, let us know! if you like it, we will return to OTR with more classic radio dramas!



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2 responses to “THE DREAM by Lights Out (OTR) — Ep 93”

  1. RC Avatar

    I’m loving this series!

    I think in many ways, this is far more unsettling than a horror flick. The silence between the spoken words, intensifies the dramatic effect.

    Anyhow, my one question is this… why would the spirits who later advise him as to a way to avoid his eternal fate (as prescribed in the story) initially push him towards it? Wouldn’t they more likely have said “Don’t Kill” or something? Obviously they could have been doing that at the woman’s request.

    I’m looking forward to more OTR episodes!

  2. […] other episodes in this series:Episode 88 – UNIVERSE by Robert Heinlein from X-Minus OneEpisode 93 – THE DREAM by Lights OutEpisode 98 – THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES by Ray BradburyEpisode 106 – A CHRISTMAS CAROL by […]

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