What Makes Christian Fiction Good? (CROSSOVER feat. Nathan James Norman) — SA111

2537276The Crossover Event continues as Christian podcasters team up to take on awesome topics!

We are proud to have Nathan James Norman from The Untold Podcast as our guest, Ben and Nathan talk about what makes Christian fiction good, and also why people continue to express that Christian fiction is NOT good.

Recommendations mentioned in the episode (these are some examples of Good Stuff by Christians):

168 Film — film festival/competition

Mercy Streets — movie

Like Dandelion Dust— movie

Of Bitter Souls 1 — comic series

Doug TenNapel — graphic novelist

Eric Wilson — suspense writer

Chris Well — mystery writer

David N. Alderman — Black Earth series

Royden Lepp — Rust

Kerry Neitz — Amish Vampires in Space

Mitchell Bonds— Hero, Second Class

Here are links to the podcasts and the podcast episodes that are part of the Christian Geek Crossover Event!

Geekually Yoked — http://geekuallyyoked.com — Hosted by a wife and husband team, their podcast covers a broad spectrum of geek-related topics.

The Sci-Phi Show — http://sciphishow.com — Focuses on philosophical concepts as brought to life by sci-fi and fantasy examples.

Untold Podcast — http://www.untoldpodcast.com — Sci-fi and fantasy stories, every month.

The Sci-Fi Christian — http://thescifichristian.com — Long running podcast that focuses on both timeless topics and timely news.

Reel World Theology — http://www.reelworldtheology.com — Covers movies and television from a Christian perspective.

The Storymen — http://www.storymen.us — Hosted by three writers/pastors/teachers, features topic discussions and interviews.

Geek This! Podcast — http://geekthispodcast.com — Covers pop culture and things of geek interest.

Voices in My Head — http://rickleejames.com/podcast/

Are You Just Watching? — http://areyoujustwatching.com — Reviews movies and other media from a Christian worldview.

Strangers and Aliens — http://strangersandaliens.com — Deals with speculative fiction and Christianity.








2 responses to “What Makes Christian Fiction Good? (CROSSOVER feat. Nathan James Norman) — SA111”

  1. Eve Franklin Avatar

    I really enjoyed all the layers of this discussion. The topic of supporting Christian art while at the same time concern over the bad quality of the majority of Christian-produced material has been a topic very near and dear to my heart for many years. Your point about the percentages based on the actual total amount of any particular product having an affect on the over all perception of the genre is a good one. However, my concern has also been that Christians tend to be overly preachy when they create “Christian” art–what I call “preaching to the choir.” This is a turn off not only to any rare non-Christian who might try to pick it up, but also to Christians who are looking for clean entertainment versus a sermon. It’s the classic authorial intrusion that is usually frowned on in any good story-telling, that seems to be a standard for much of Christian fiction. What I like to see is artists of various talents who happen to be Christian. Instead of creating art for a Christian audience, they create art from a Christian perspective/foundation/worldview for a much broader audience. After all, the pagans and the atheists are not creating art just within their own limited genre, so why should we? If we are striving to perfect our skills and talents for the glory of God, IMHO we should be reaching beyond the choir loft. Unfortunately, I feel that many Christians who would like to publish in the secular markets are stumped by the worldly expectations of their publishers/audiences. I’ve long had a dream to start a publishing company that would publish for secular markets but attempt to obtain work by those excellent Christian authors that usually have to compromise their ethics to get their stuff published in the secular markets.

  2. […] James Norman during his appearance on the Strangers and Aliens podcast’s episode entitled, “What Makes Christian Fiction Good?” (also on itunes). Nathan’s thoughts were both articulate and interesting, and I listened to […]

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