Tag: movies
AVENGERS WEEK: Onward, Christian Super-Soldiers!
I wanted Captain America to be something different than the other 3 (or 4, if you include the Hulk) set-up movies for the Avengers. In Iron Man and Thor (and Hulk, who fits so well into the discussion that, if you don’t think he belongs in the discussion, just disregard…it’s either that or a lot…
2012 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films — What Are YOU Looking Forward to?
Well, the studios have already dumped a couple big sci-fi/fantasy films on us, with movies like Chronicle (haven’t seen but want to), Ghost Rider (haven’t seen, probably will even though I have zero expectations to like it), John Carter (best box office flop of the decade), and Hunger Games (thoughts on the book and movie…
VIDEO: Superbowl Sci-Fi commercials!
The Superbowl is IN Indiana. But I honestly couldn’t care less than I actually do. I have no dog in this pony show. But. It’s a big event for commercials. All types of commercials. Especially for big budget movies. When you spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make a movie, you need eyeballs to…
TRAILER: The Dark Knight Rises
And here we have the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. As I already posted, the teaser poster got me excited to see the movie. More excited than I already was, I should say. You can watch it here . . . Some of this feels disturbing . . . some of it feels strange…