It’s Friday! That means another Cool Comic Covers, a weekly (sometimes more!) look back at some of the most interesting, intriguing, and engaging artwork in pop culture. This week:
I’m a relative new fan of the Creature from the Black Lagoon. I didn’t see it at an impressionable age. In fact, I didn’t see it until maybe a year ago. But I’ve been aware of the creature design for decades, and, like many others, consider it a true classic. And the movies, when I finally saw them, struck the right chords. While the sequels aren’t as good as the original (are they ever?), they actually tell something of a story that lets the creature develop and grow as a character!
As a fan of the creature, I found this week’s cover to be very, very cool:
I can’t find much information about the comic book itself, and I shire cannot find a copy for myself. It is, no doubt, one of those rare collectible items that I will never get my hands on. And that’s okay — most, if not all, of those old comic book adaptations of movies are not very well made, in my experience. By this cover? I love it.
The movie, from 1954, of course had an influence on comic books and movie monsters that followed. There is a direct line from the Creature to the xenomorph (or whatever it is called) from Alien. Here are some comic covers that were (I have to believe) influenced by The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and that would be cool comic covers on their own:

Join us next Friday for another Cool Comic Cover! Also, do you have a favorite comic book cover? Share it with us! It just may be featured as a cool comic cover!
~ Ben
Previous Cool Comic Covers: #14 — Solitaire #1-6 #13 — Star Trek #25 and Top Dog #9 #12 — Aquaman #9 #11 — From Beyond the Unknown #23 #10 — Famous Funnies #214 #9 — AVENGERS WEEK: Thor #8 — AVENGERS WEEK: Captain America #7 — AVENGERS WEEK: Hulk #6 — AVENGERS WEEK: Iron Man #5 — “Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction” Giant Size Special #4 — “Fear” #1 #3 — “From Beyond the Unknown” #12 #2 — “Action Comics” #419#1 — “Weird Science-Fantasy” #27
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