Episode 18 — “Once Upon a Grimm Time”

The topic: fairy tales.

They are everywhere right now, appearing on two of the major TV networks in prime time, in theaters, and, of course, in DVD collections and toy boxes around the world.

So what is it about fairy tales that cause us to enjoy them and want to reinterpret them?

Are they helpful or hurtful to the intended audiences?

And after the main discussion, we open up the mailbag and respond to some listener mail.

And, of course, Ben plugs a new book of his.

If you have something you’d like to add, tell us! Even better, you could record a short message in the form of an MP3 (under three minutes, please) and we’ll include you in an upcoming episode!

Coming soon: next episode, we take a look back into sci-fi history, with a fun and experimental episode!

Godspeed, everyone!



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4 responses to “Episode 18 — “Once Upon a Grimm Time””

  1. RC Avatar

    Hey, just listened to the episode.

    Regarding Beauty and Beast, I feel that what changes the Beast, isn’t Belle but rather her compassion. She doesn’t go to him thinking she will change him, but when she begins to see the tragedy of his life.

    From a spiritual standpoint, it isn’t Belle but her love and compassion that changes him. I applaud Belle in that the character can see beyond the Beast’s physical appearance and understand who he is as a person.

    One aspect about views on relationships that wasn’t discussed is a overwhelming focus on social status, along with a plethora of excuses why people focus on it. I’ve made the excuses myself, much to my shame. The number of parents that discourage their children from dating anyone who hasn’t went to college is quite significant. Why? In fact, there are many people who have no business in college, even if they can afford it and complete the program. And, what’s further it makes no difference to the quality of a person if they went to college or no. Many of the kindest and most good hearted people I have met have also been among the poorest. Of course that’s no revelation if we read through the Bible.

    I enjoy fairy tales, particularly for their idealistic frames. They provide an aspiration to look towards. Today we tend to dismiss everything that doesn’t seem attainable. You will often hear the code of chivalry or Bushido denounced as unrealistic and something that almost no one adhered to.

    While almost no one adhered strictly to those precepts, it was accepted as something noble to achieve and even expected of the gallant. Christianity is the same and often is dismissed for the same reasons. Who can adhere absolutely to the tenants of Christianity? None of us to be sure. However, it is the goal we are called to strive for.

    I can understand the caution about letting fantasies bleed into real life however. I think that the caution far extends past fairy tales into all manner of things.

    “Therefore, my brethren, those things that are true, those that are honorable, those that are righteous, those things that are pure, those things that are precious, those things that are praiseworthy, deeds of glory and of praise, meditate on these things.”

    While life is certainly dark, I think that the altruistic nature of fairy tales isn’t harmful in nature but a chance for us to identify dark things within our nature and experience our desire for the good things.

  2. Ben Avatar

    Those are some very, very good insights, RC. We’ll probably be talking about your comments here in our next episode . . .

  3. Hank Harwell Avatar
    Hank Harwell

    Ben, I normally download my podcasts from ITunes, but for some reason, this ep is not showing up in my list. You might want to check on that.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks, Hank. I think I fixed it. We’ll know in less than 24 hours (that’s how often the iTunes rss crawlers get through all the podcasts, or at least that’s what I’ve been told).

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