Category: Polls
POLL: What Movie Are You Looking Forward To In 2014?
Take our poll and sound off below! What movie are you most looking forward to? [poll id=”16″]
Who Had the Bigger Revelation at San Diego Comic-Con?
I’m just. Yes. Yes. YES. @Avengers #AgeofUltron, Guardians of the Galaxy, #CaptainAmerica & #ThorDarkWorld. We win. #MarvelSDCC — Ryan Penagos (@AgentM) July 21, 2013 So Agent M, Marvel’s Twitter claimed they they “won” San Diego Comic-Con. Did they? What do you think? There were some big announcements, but they pretty much boiled down to…
POLL: What grade do you give Iron Man Three?
In their Iron Man Three episode, Ben, Dr. Jayce, and Steve graded Iron Man Three. Who do you agree with? Any of them? Ben gave it an A-, Dr. Jayce gave it a B-, and Steve gave it a C+. What do YOU say? Vote and leave a comment below! [poll id=”14″]
POLL: What do you think about the Disney purchase of Lucasfilm/Star Wars?
It looks like our anniversary episode is going to have a substantial mailbag segment, so I wanted to extend the invitation to all you strangers and aliens out there to sound off about how you feel about Star Wars’ new home with Disney! We recorded one episode right after the big news (you can listen…
POLL: Who is your favorite Doctor?
In conjunction with our recent Doctor Who-centric episode (click here to download it!), here’s the question every Doctor Who fan has an answer to . . . There have been twelve Doctors in Doctor Who canon, and one more guy who fought Daleks but not from within canon (how many actors can say they both…
NEW POLL! What’s Your Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Trilogy?
In our last poll, Joker HANDILY took the top Batman villain spot. So the big question now that the Dark Knight has risen . . . what is the best sci-fi/fantasy trilogy of all time? There are some really bad trilogies out there, so for the purposes of this poll we included trilogies that are…
NEW POLL: Who Is Batman’s Greatest Villain?
Fact: Batman has some of the best villains in comic books. So, with the movie coming up featuring Bane, we thought we’d “riddle you this”: Who is Batman’s greatest villain? Answer how you like, based on whatever criteria you wish to use, voting for your favorite Batman villain. In coming up with these options, I…
FEEDBACK — What did YOU think of Avengers? (Poll)
What did you think of The Avengers? Did it deserve the half billion dollars it made last weekend? Did it meet your expectations? Exceed them? Not even come close to them? Let us know in our poll . . . [poll id=”8″]
Star Trek: Our Poll’s Winning Captain…
[poll id=”6″] Well, is anyone surprised at the results from our poll? Captain Picard won our poll, with over half of the votes! He’s the captain most of you would prefer as their commanding officer. So, okay Dr. Jayce, you’ve won this round…but not the war! Picard is an even handed leader who commands respect…
NEW POLL: Star Trek Captains
It’s an age-old question. Well, maybe not “age-old”. But it’s been a question since at least 1987, when Star Trek spawned a sequel TV series. Who is the best Star Trek captain? Usually, the question centers around the first two: who is better, Kirk or Picard? Dr. Jayce and Ben haven’t come to blows about…
POLL: What’s your favorite sci-fi/fantasy franchise?
We want to know . . . what’s YOUR favorite? Star Wars or Star Trek? Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Vote! And then, please, leave a comment below and talk about your answers . . . then come back and see what other people are saying! (First time commenters have to be approved…